Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak

On August 24, 2024, an exhibition of works by Margarita Gusak was opened in the Kibbutz Hatzor White gallery. The exhibition runs from August 24 to September 14.

Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak

The installation of the exhibition took place from August 20 to 22. People who took part in the installation of the exhibition: Valentina Gusak, Igor Volodarsky, Nahum Iliashimov, Vladimir Boxer, Nurit Melamed, Mark Shevchik, Asya Bobritskaya.

Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak
Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak

Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak

An article in the newspaper “דיעות אחרונות”

Opening of the exhibition

Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak

For many years, the girl Rita was engaged in the Ashdod studio of the artist Nahum Ilyashimov. The girl has grown into a real model of heavenly beauty, which a photographer can only dream of. To this we need to add the undoubted talent of an artist and a rare clever woman. She graduated from school as the first student, flew airplanes in the army, and after the army she managed to achieve a passing grade for admission to the medical faculty of the University of Jerusalem!

And then Rita and her beloved Sema went to the NOVA festival and both died there.

Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak

The composition was chosen as the soundtrack of the exhibition:

Alma Deutscher  “In memory of the victims of October 7, 2023”

Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak

The speech by Valentina Gusak, Rita’s mother at the opening of the exhibition

“Dear friends, thank you for coming. It is hard for me to speak, my heart is heavy as if a stone has been in my throat since October 7. On that black Saturday, the light in our lives died away, and I do not think that what we are going through now can be called life. Hell, a nightmare, it is difficult to find words to describe our state, yes, the light in our lives died away. And yet I must say a few words about the goals of this exhibition. We went a long and painful way for this exhibition to take place. During nine months, the time of pregnancy for a human being, I had been writing the biography of Ritulya, my, our beloved daughter, and Lina, the mother of Sema, who was killed together with Ritulya, had also been writing his biography during nine months, like during the period of carrying a baby. The first goal of this exhibition is to share at least a small amount of the light that was in them with you, with those who remember them, love them, miss them and still, despite the cruel truth, want both Ritulya and Sema to return home. The second goal of this exhibition is to show everyone the essence of the war we are currently in. This is the war against our culture. This is the war of anti-culture against culture as a whole. The one who killed them is not worth even their fingernails. Their killers were born and raised to kill and be killed. Ritulya and Sema were born to live. That is the name of this exhibition. To create, to build, to dance, to make other people happy and be happy themselves, to construct, to heal, to give birth to children and then wait for grandchildren to be born.  Grandchildren and great grandchildren who we will never have. The third goal of the exhibition is to apologize to the generation of our children, who are defending this country at the cost of their lives, who perished because we did not prevent this catastrophe, did not grab the aging politicians at the hands in time, those who are guilty of betraying their people. I want us, the generation of parents, each of us, to awake and demand answers to the questions. Why was this let to happen? Why didn’t the army and the air force come and save their people during the 12 hours of the massacre? Why was this even possible that the damn party was organized in this dangerous place? We must demand prosecution and charge and a trial of the army and government top brass! I ask you to read the biographies of Ritulya, Sema first, and then go to the exhibition and see the light of her talent. It is also important for me to thank everyone involved in the creation of this exhibition. There were few of us. Asya Bobritskaya, Ritulya’s friend, who put part of her life and soul into Ritulya’s website. There is a QR code under almost every picture, you can go to the website and read a short story about the picture. Vladimir Boxer, a photographer who has known Ritulya since she was 12, thanks to him we have a photo gallery of her creative path, he took her photos in the studio of Nahum, Ritulya’s painting teacher. Nahum, I want to kneel in front of you and thank you for everything you did in the name of Ritulya’s memory. I want to thank Igor, Ritulya’s dad, we support each other like a ‘house parts’ and continue to survive, this cannot be called life. Meet Nurit, who gave us the opportunity and honor to organize Ritulya’s exhibition in the White Gallery in Kibbutz Hatzor.”

Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak

Speech by the owner of the White Gallery Nurit Melamed at the opening of the exhibition: “Dear friends, kibbutz residents, thank you for coming to experience this moment of life with us and to be impressed by this amazing exhibition. To see the art of such a young and infinitely talented girl. And at the same time to see and share the enormous sadness and sorrow that she died so early, left this life. Our gallery is large but still there is no enough place for all the enormous talent and endless grief that are presented here today. Please come in.”

Exhibition. Artist Margarita Gusak

Speech by Rita’s teacher, artist Nahum Ilyashimov, at the opening of the exhibition